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Beat Produced by Tone Jonez
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np & eL
#erb #epicrapbattles #EpicRapBattlesOfHistory #motherteresa #sigmundfreud #religion #freud
Mother Teresa: Cara Francis
IG: @fantasygrandma
Sigmund Freud:
Nice Peter
Written by Zach Sherwin, Nice Peter, EpicLLOYD, OurVeryOwn Discord Writer’s Room, Cara Francis, Robyn Lynne Norris, Rich Baker and Chris Turner
Producer: Atul Singh
Director of Photography: Jon Na
Gaffer: Andy Chinn
Department Make Up Head: Ashlyn McIntyre
Make Up and Hair: Brittany White
DIT / Playback: Josh Best
Costume Designer and Property Master: Morgan Christensen
Production Assistant: Andy Sandoval
Video Editors: Ross Fearnley, Josh Best, Nice Peter
VFX and Compositing: Josh Best and Javi Sanchez Blanco
Directed by Nice Peter and EpicLLOYD
IG/Twitter: @theepiclloyd
Shot on the Arri Alexa Mini
Edited in Adobe Premier and After Effects
Recorded and mixed in Protools
KeEp iN TOuch WitH Us OnliNe!