Инкубация яиц очень ответственный этап, но не менее ещё важно и вырастить здоровое поголовье. Расскажу о своих действиях , своих ошибок , как я их исправила. Приятного просмотра
Peace to all I, Arina. I am engaged in cultivation of a thoroughbred bird, amateurishly. I share with you my experience. In this video, we will talk about how we incubate the egg of our bird during the blackout period, and also raise the young. We do not use a generator, but use improvised means. What?. Watch this video and you will find out.
Egg incubation is a very important stage, but it is equally important to raise healthy livestock. I will tell you about my actions, my mistakes, how I corrected them. Enjoy watching
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