Explore the Top 4 longest borders in the world, spanning deserts, mountains, and vast landscapes. From China and Mongolia's 4,677 km border across deserts to the rugged Andes mountains along the Chile-Argentina border stretching 6,691 km, discover the vast distances that separate nations. In Central Asia, the Kazakhstan-Russia border is the second longest at 7,644 km, and finally, the world's longest border lies between Canada and the U.S., including Alaska, at an astonishing 8,891 km. Watch the video for more interesting facts about these colossal borders!
These are Top 4 longest borders in the world.
On 4th place is the border between China and Mongolia. Crossing vast desert and steppe regions it is 4,677 km long.
For the 3rd place we move to South America. The border between Chile and Argentina is 6,691 km long, running mostly along the Andes mountain range.
In central Asia we have Kazakhstan. Its border with Russia is the second longest border in the world totalling 7,644 km. This is the longest continuous land border between two countries.
The world's longest international border runs between the mainland U.S. and Canada, plus the border between Alaska and Canada stretching 8,891 km. So...
Special thanks to MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors and GEOlayers 3
Music Info: Detective - AShamaluevMusic.
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