This Is What $300,000 in Cash Looks Like ASMR | The Life of a Millionaire | The Law of Attraction
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This video previously had disclaimers here in the video description due to my "Drop your PayPal, Cash App, or Venmo down below for GOOD LUCK ↓↓↓" sign which confused some viewers with thinking this video was a cash giveaway when it in fact is not and as you can see now that sign was trimmed out of the video. That sign was simply just for GOOD LUCK. Good luck from the universe as maybe the right person (not me) will see your comment and donate. In hindsight it was pretty dumb of me to put a sign like that in my videos.
Also, my "SUBSCRIBE and you will be RICH" sign is just my funny channel slogan and is not to be taken too literal as in I will literally give everyone who subscribes tons of money or something ridiculous like that I mean that's how you go broke who am I the government. Anyway, as you can see that sign was also trimmed out of the video as well.
So my last video "This Is What $250,000 Cash Looks Like - What 1/4 Million in Cash Looks Like - The Law of Attraction" here: performed super well thanks to all of you guys that clicked on that video. It's no surprise that you guys wanna see bigger and bigger amounts of money and that's the content that I will be bringing to you all. Ok, so in this video I show you all what $300,000 in cold hard cash would look like. This video here clearly illustrates exactly what $300,000 cash looks like for your viewing pleasure and motivation. For all you hungry driven entrepreneurs out there this video here is exactly what you wanted to see that gets your hearts pumping and bellies fired up to achieve a life of freedom and living life on your own terms. You don't want a lot of money just to have a lot of money. You have plans and dreams to fund. Maybe you're an independent filmmaker who's striving to make that next big hit film that everyone will be talking about for years and years to come. The more money you have the better you can execute your vision to the fullest. I'm talking better cameras and lenses, better computers, better lighting, better talent, bigger marketing budget, and so on it can get expensive if you're really trynna make that next big hit film. Whatever you're trying to accomplish in life a lot of time you need money to fund it. You don't need that much money all the time in many cases. If your vision is strong about what you wanna put out into this world you can figure out a way to do it with not a lot of money at all don't get me wrong. Because hey, you could have all the money in the world and pump out an awful product we see this all the time on the big screen. Anyway, what really matters is that people need to start dreaming again. We become adults and we start working a job and we leave behind all the fun hobbies we enjoyed doing as kids just because we are big strong adults now and those old hobbies are for kids you say. Think about how big your imagination was when you were a kid. As an adult toy collector my imagination is still just as big if not bigger than when I was a kid and I get judged for it too, but I don't care because I'm happy doing the things I truly love. Lack of money is something that pulls us away from our true passions as we work at jobs that take up most of our days and pays us just enough to get by, but not enough to strive. If you're a creative person you probably find yourself daydreaming stories and ideas at work and writing or sketching on your breaks and you wish you just had more time to be the creative person you are. By the way, this is not a knock on jobs as traditional jobs are a great thing as they provide roofs over our heads and feed our bellies. I'm sure you're familiar with the typical entrepreneur painting jobs out as the worst thing in the world. For some people jobs are the worst thing in the world and for others jobs are amazing as it builds people skills, friendships, work ethic, and there are many benefits to a job. Same with college for some people college is a waste of time as their parents pressured them to go. For others such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, concept artists, and so on college was a great investment that gave them amazing careers. This message is going to speak to some people more than others, but at the end of the day having more money will benefit most people and their lives tremendously.
Comment down below on whether you think this money is real or fake. As the prop money king I can't wait to read the comments on this video LMAO!!!
DISCLAIMER: I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.