Did you know Colorado isn't actually a perfect rectangle? On maps, it appears to have four straight sides, but in reality, it has an astonishing 697 sides! When Congress established Colorado's borders in 1876, they intended for the state to stretch between specific latitude and longitude lines. However, the converging nature of longitude lines on a globe made perfect rectangles impossible. Surveyors in 1879, using only magnetic compasses, created borders that zigzagged around these lines. Learn more about why Colorado's border isn't as simple as it seems in this intriguing video!
Colorado is a perfect rectangle, except it's not. Every map shows Colorado as having 4 sides, but in reality it has a several more, about 693 more. You see, in 1876, congress decided that the borders of Colorado will stretch from 37 to 41 degree latitude line and from 25 to 32 degree longitude line. They thought they created the perfect rectangle, but they forgot that on a globe, the longitude lines are not parallel, all of them converging at the poles. This makes Colorado look more like a trapezoid, than a rectangle, but still, there should be only 4 sides.
In 1879, the boundary survey team begin to follow the cart lines to create the border, but without google maps and only with the help of magnetic compasses it was impossible to precisely follow the lines. The result was a zig-zag line around the longitude and latitude lines, which, if we count, adds up to 697 sides.
Special thanks to MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors and GEOlayers 3
Music Info: Detective - AShamaluevMusic.
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