1 The Innsmen–Things Are Different Now 00:00
2 The Jagged Edge–Midnight To Six 02:36
3 The Olivers– I Saw What You Did 05:03
4 The Nomads –My Little Red Book 07:46
5 Swamp Rats–Hey Joe 09:45
6 The Brother L Congregation–Bringing Me Down 11:52
7 The Laughing Kind–Empty Heart 15:13
8 The Rumor–Without Her 17:56
9 The Rationals–Feelin' Lost 20:31
10 The Tidal Waves–Farmer John 22:22
11 The Outside In–You Ain't Gonna Bring Me Down To My Knees 24:36
12 The Dovers–I Could Be Happy 27:44
13 The Dovers–People Ask Me Why 30:07
14 Exchequers–Is There Some Girl 32:53
15 The Boss-Todes–Sally The Pollywog 34:54