"On a western device, you push a button and get a result.
On a Soviet instrument, you push a button and get something."
- Richardas Norvila (aka Benzo)
As if tape archives were dug out of ammo boxes, salvaged and shipped directly from the Kremlin, these intentionally dissonant, unquantized and unsequenced, raw synth tracks have been recorded in somewhat improvised fashion using a vintage Formanta Polivoks synthesizer, along with a Russian-made analog drum machine (AVP Synth Ritmobox), plus a host of Russian radio transmissions & slices of vintage songs from the motherland. Somewhere between melodic and chaotic this tribute to an early era of synthesized electronic sound is open to the utmost technical scrutiny.
This is the third installment of the живое радио (Live Radio) series. Part III offers a bit more raw and pure sound using the Polivoks as the only synth voice. There were actually some challenges this round as I had my Polivoks in storage for a good while and it actually needed at least six hours to warm up to have controllable pitch. Even after warmup there were occasional signal & filter glitches along the way and pitch control would dwindle at times. I found myself recording tracks with an added sense of urgency, as if to eke out her last breath for this collection. Either the signs of this synth's demise are near (my Polivoks was fully restored 7 years ago) or it's just reminding me of its charm & independence, as illustrated in the quote from the documentary film Electro Moskva by Richardas Norvila above.
Previous Chapters:
живое радио I
живое радио II