Hope you guys liked my Fenty Beauty Review! Here are some updates:
Foundation: Lasted about 6 hours and then started to fade quite a bit. Keep in mind I am a face toucher and I have a 4 year old you likes to randomly smoosh his face against mine. It felt very comfortable all day!
Highlighter: Hu$tla Baby stayed on alllllll day. It looked great!
Lip gloss: surprisingly I only touched up once after eating and it didn’t get goopy.
Face trio: Contour and Higlighter looked good, but Bamboo became really chalky towards the end of the day. I took a flash test and the places I applied Bamboo were ashy. Pass!
Also ignore my crazy eyeshadow and lash application. I had to hurry up and pick up my son! Let’s pretend I was going for the wet eyeshadow look haha
That’s it! Peace out
Other makeup on my face:
MUG Envy
MUG Mocha
BlackMagicLashes in Luminara
Camera I use to film and take pictures:
Lens: **
My Lighting:
SNAPCHAT: sharifaeasmin
FTC: Not Sponsored. Anything marked with ** is an affiliate. That means if you buy something using that link, I get a commission. If you use it, thank you! If you don’t feel comfortable using it, ain’t no thang! =) I only recommend things I truly love!