Actions indeed speak louder than words, and, if a leader cannot take a firm stance on his words then he doesn't deserve to be one. Among all the African Presidents no one fits this description better than Kenyan President William Ruto. He can rightly be called the most double-standard African President ever. Of course, we know that most African Presidents are notable for making promises, particularly during elections, and failing to keep them but President Ruto’s case is different because everybody thought he was a champion for the African cause on the global stage. This man received standing ovations for his fiery speeches at different summits which touched the hearts of Africans and made them believe that Africa now has a new brand of courageous leaders. President Ruto’s speeches branded him as a true pan-African leader and some people even called him a Muammar Gaddafi in the making. However, as time passed, President Ruto began to show his true colors. His actions totally contradicted his words, revealing that he is nothing but a Western puppet and shouldn't be taken seriously. All his previous speeches have begun to blow up in his face because his recent actions are in direct contrast to them.