As you can tell he primarily uses tonfas in combat, but also has psychic abilities that are attached to The Spirit of the Tiger.
He is basically quite a few characters from Street Fighter mixed into one interesting package, plus tonfas.
I really appreciate the comments you guys left in my previous video. It really helped me to shape Juan into a diverse and unique character, so thanks for that. :)
He's the long lost twin brother of Guilherme and becomes a police officer in the UK after being exiled by his foster crime family gang, due to video evidence showing that he killed his foster parents in a fit of rage and his gang members turn on him as a result. Coming from the vengeful streets of Mexico after being neglected upon birth, Juan is a neutral character who has "reformed" in his own unique way.
His mission given to him by the police: get intel on the Humanity Climax Tournament and see why so many people have gone missing.
He could do the mission to get a promotion, or go off in his dark path again.
He will also encounter his goody-two-shoes twin brother Guilherme along the way which will most likely trigger something Juan hasn't felt in years. Keep in mind he's around the same age as him.