00:19- Question 1: Should we pray to Jesus or to the Father? Or to either?
01:10- Question 2: Do you think it is ok as a Christian to use they/them pronouns for a friend? Do you think if Christians do comply with using preferred pronouns that it would be enabling them?
03:50- Question 3: Are Christians the only people who please God? Are they the only ones who are going to be saved? What about the people who existed before Judaism who didn't know Jesus? What is the criteria for salvation?
14:10- Question 4: Should all churches provide some form of equipping in the word to those who want it? Or is this the job of small groups? While our church does not teach false doctrines, since we are not equipped in how to study the word for ourselves, many members of the church are following false Gospels. Inside our groups most of what we find is life issues and self-help books from the perspective of questionable teachers. What is the role of the church an the congregants?
24:10- Question 5: I feel like I may being led to start re-evangelizing people who used to go to church. I am wondering if you can point me in the right direction for helping those who were hurt by the Church, or are mad at God.
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