00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:38 Xbox One X vs. Xbox Series X - Ray Traced Sun Bounce Lighting
00:04:34 Xbox One X vs. Xbox Series X - Ray Traced Sky Lighting
00:07:30 Xbox One X vs. Xbox Series X - Ray Traced Colour Bounce
00:09:23 Xbox One X vs. Xbox Series X - Ray Traced Emissive Lighting
00:11:44 Xbox One X vs. Xbox Series X - Improved Screen-Space Reflections
00:13:44 Xbox One X vs. Xbox Series X - Improved Performance & Loading
00:15:08 PC vs. Xbox Series X - Settings and Optimisations
00:20:29 Xbox Series S Analysis
00:24:02 Xbox Series S & X Performance Analysis
00:26:34 Conclusion
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