Unfold: Calm and relaxing piano music you can listen to in the background during your day, while studying, focusing, working, reflecting, making small or big plans, dreaming big, letting your thoughts run free, as a soundtrack during your ME time, but also as peaceful music in the evening before going to sleep. And of course also simply to relax and enjoy.
Title: Unfold | Type: original calm piano music session
We arrive in this world quite folded. As a kind of code given to us by two people, half each. If things go well, we become a little human, with a basically blank hard drive, but ready to take on almost any planetary challenge, language, culture, survival, and other tricks: time to unfold.
Parents, friends, teachers, people we meet, things and practices we experience, all of these can either help us unfold ourselves and our potential, or they can do the opposite: keep us pretty much folded, teaching us the many “don’ts”, discouraging us from curiosity and learning, socializing us to not explore truths, chances and possibilities, but to do what is the “norm” in our bubble society, becoming largely a product of narrow cultural values and ways of doing things.
Outside influences are often successful in keeping us folded (some also help us to unfold). They can emanate from political, economic, or spiritual powers that have grown strong enough to shape media, culture, our values, and what we think is right, to their will.
I guess most of us remember Maslow’s hierarchy of needs from school? ( ). I want to borrow from that list and ask a question: What would happen if we would start building societies and nations that by design and promotion could help every member to satisfy (and unlock) most of those needs, like clean air, water, healthy food, the right temperature, clothes, good hygienic conditions, shelter, healthy sleep, health, personal, emotional, and financial security, family, friendship, intimacy, trust, acceptance, receiving and giving love and affection, self-respect and respect from others, creativity, foresight, curiosity, as well as meaning, having beauty in life, having the right partner, being a great parent or teacher, utilizing and developing talents and abilities, pursuing meaningful goals, feeling, relating to, and behaving as one towards oneself, to significant others, to human beings in general, to other species, to nature, and to the universe?
What do you think? Would this help to unfold the wonderful potentials in all of us? Or do you see very different ways to unfold beautifully as humans and societies? Let me know in the comments or write down just for yourself how a beautiful version of unfolding might look for yourself as a person and/or for us as a global nation.
What do you think? Could this help to unfold more of the wonderful potentials in all of us? Or do you see completely different possibilities to develop wonderfully as a person and as a society? Let me know in the comments or just write down for your own what a beautiful version of unfolding might look like for you as a person and/or for us as a global nation.
Happy unfolding (small or big time)
💛 Michael (relaxdaily*)
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Some popular relaxdaily playlists here on YouTube::
☰ Relaxdaily Piano Music:
☰ Relaxdaily Singles:
☰ Deep Focus:
*I’m Michael and I enjoy creating music. I play, compose and record mostly calm and peaceful tunes and share these here on the relaxdaily YouTube channel since 2011.
Music can be much more than just pure entertainment. It can be a meaningful soundtrack that accompanies us through a moment, through a day, a phase, or through life.
Many use my recordings and piano music sessions as background music while reading, doing mind work, to achieve better focus, while studying, while being creative, while coding or designing a product, a service or the world of tomorrow. From your comments I know that my music also works as relaxing music (also stress relief, depression or anxiety dissolving music), spa or yoga music, or to set a calm tone at cafes, bars, lounges, in hotels and restaurants, mostly at a low volume.
This project is not as much about a genre as it is about a feeling. A way of life. With my tunes, I try to take a little heat and speed out of our generally quite busy lives. A soundtrack for you, when you feel the need for a calm and peaceful, light and positive tune, the relaxdaily way.
Thank you for following, liking, sharing, commenting on, and supporting the relaxdaily project!
© music & video (2023) relaxdaily.net
#piano #music #calmpiano