There are a ton of hilarious stories in this one; like Jake’s contributions to The Sopranos, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, NCIS and the GamePlay Network. And Elizabeth discusses the legend of the stolen clarinet. I also learn what patent leather pants have to do with having a large vocabulary.
The Dream Eaters is not your normal band. In fact, the idea was initially for a show, not a band. That explains things like why many songs are under 30 seconds in length. And speaking of the music, going back and listening to their catalog blew me away. Not only is the music good, they play in a lot of different styles. The reason for that could be because, as Elizabeth says, Jake is the songwriter and she is the director/sidekick.
There has always been an element of humor to the music but there was a point at which it comes to the forefront and doesn’t leave. Jake and Elizabeth talk about how they come up with some of their most ridiculous songs. In fact, we kind of almost write a song during the podcast. That alone is worth the price of admission! So check out Jake & Elizabeth @wearethedreameaters on Instagram and @thedreameaters on everything else including TikTok, where they post a bunch of their videos. Pick up all their music on Bandcamp. Follow us @PerformanceAnx on socials. Our merch can be found at performanceanx.threadless.com. You can keep us awake with money for coffee at ko-fi.com/performanceanxiety. Now prepare to expect the unexpected with Jake & Elizabeth of The Dream Eaters on Performance Anxiety on the Pantheon Podcast Network.