"For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, so those who believe in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life".
John 3:16 Holy Bible
Repent (acknowledge your sins) to the Lord God almighty : El - Shaddai
In a simple prayer to Him . Say sorry, do it in private ideally, humble yourself and acknowledge that Jesus Christ who died on the cross in agony for all mankind s sin, then rose again three days later appearing to over 500 people ( see book of Acts , New Testament) . His disciples then and now who comes to Christ receive salvation and the power of the Holy Spirit and..are born again in the light of the Lord God almighty.
I can ,and millions to this day can testify to this glorious reality.
this video is for serious reflection for all who view it. SM x
#jesus ,#ThelightofChrist, #thewaytruthlife ,#jesuschrist
#planetmack ,#simonmack