If You Have Love (Discipleship Music)

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Love one another; as I have loved you,
that you also love one another. (Jn 13:34)
By this shall all know that you are my disciples,
if you have love one to another. (Jn 13:35)

If I then, Lord and Master, have washed your feet;
you also ought to wash one another's feet.
For I have given you an example,
that you should do as I have done to you. (Jn 13:14-15)
Be filled with the Spirit; Speaking in psalms
and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father (Eph 5:18-20)

Let the word of Anointed dwell in you richly in all wisdom;
teaching and admonishing one another
in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. (Col 3:16)
Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another (Mar 9:50)
Be of the same mind; associate with the lowly (Rom 12:16)
Accept one another, just as Anointed accepted us (Rom 15:7)
Bearing, and forgiving (each other), as the Lord forgave you (Col 3:13)

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted (Efe 4:32)
Be subject to one another in the fear of Anointed (Efe 5:21)
With humility of mind regard one another
as more important than yourselves (Phl 2:3)
Exhort one another daily, while it is called today,
so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin (Heb 3:13)
Consider how to provoke to love and good works (Heb 10:24-25)
Assembling together to admonish one another (Rom 15:14)

Use hospitality wiyout grudging (1 Pet 4:9)
brethren, that you may not be condemned (Jam 5:9)
Confess your faults and pray one for another,
that you may be healed by the effective prayer (Jam 5:16)
If we walk in the light, (as He is in the light),
we have fellowship (one with another),
and the blood of Jesus Anointed
cleanses us from all sin (1 Jn 1:7)

Above all things have fervent love
for charity covers a multitude of sins (1 Pet 4:8)
Serving your gift, as good stewards (1 Pet 4:10, Ga 5:13)
Greet one another, who are in the Anointed (1 Pet 5:14)
If You Have Love (Discipleship Music) Worship and Praise Song

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Добавлено: 55 год.
  © 2019-2021
  If You Have Love (Discipleship Music) - RusLar.Me