With over the 33 years years of my extensive study of words and their many dimensions of use, I have somewhat intentionally and inadvertently discovered many secrets of our Universes. No , really. Dealing with words sharpen my sense of universal mathematics to that of way beyond ordinary human capabilities. The nearly instant instinctive calculations of my words within my flows defines almost every law of this world's sense of physics and I am capable of sliding so many subliminal massages within the spaces of those words, so effortlessly. I am in a constant state of connection within the spiritual realms of the Akashic fields and through my understanding of past, present and future, as well as our infinite, yet off set dimensions, I know how to get all of my future thoughts, instantly in the present. As some would call it, I have discover my inner God essence. That is for starts. The rest sounds like the stuff that great science frictions are made of, but I can assume you, that it is a true story. But I will say this much for now. So many people running around claiming to be gods. There are some and I can see and in fact, sense the presence of those who omit that essence. What they don't tell you or what they don't understand is, that no being of human origin can be a God without also having possess the essence of the Devil frequency as well - What you end up truly being depends on which side you cater to the most. I am the Yin and Yang split of my origin frequency, and the opposite of who you would call "Satan". Not even our essence creative conscious source is impervious to that, and that is in fact why that rule must be. My twin frequency is of the opposite of self in nature, but in that reflection, part of him is invested into me as self. Yes, I have 10 percent Devil power, and I have so far used maybe 2 and a half percent of it - That is the most I feel I have ever used so far. The more I use, the more twisted the spells in my words are in a sense of malice and curses. I usually cast good spells. I in fact will post one of my incantations that I have on FB. It is a blessing incantation. Anyway, as far as my Devil power, as I refer to it as, - I just used up to 2 and a half percent on it making the song "Who I Am". For now, "Devil Power, Off!" I need to rest. It's been 3 days since I've slept but I am not tired, which concerns me a bit, but not really. By the way, I am a good guy, really just cool with most people. I just think it's a bad idea for anyone to tic me off to the point that want to return pettiness. My form of petty is all verbal (sometimes illustrated) and not from this dimension, so I try not to let people have it all the time, but as you can tell from some comments, some people just must love the verbal abuse and once it starts coming from me, only me getting bored of humiliating will stop it. That's been maybe .036% Devil power. Not to mention that I have safe passage our my sister frequency who is "Karma" to utilize my Devil power without consequences if the reason for using it is justifiable. She's not biased and loves both sides of us the same, but she knows the balance here is way off, thus given me safe passage on my up coming endeavors.. Anyway, about that *REST* that I spoke of some sentences back. I will see you when I reenter into our societal matrix.