The Stone Roses - She Bangs The Drums (Demo) (Audio)
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#SheBangsTheDrums #TheStoneRosesSheBangsTheDrums #SheBangsTheDrumsDemoOfficialAudio #ThisIsTheOne #TheStoneRosesSheBangsTheDrumsLive #TheStoneRosesOfficialAudio #TheStoneRosesLive #TheStoneRosesBestof #TheStoneRosesGreatestHits #TheStoneRosesEssentials #FoolsGoldLyrics #StoneRosesLyrics #StoneRosesAlbum #MadeOfStoneLive #ByeByeBadman #Waterfalls
I can feel the earth begin to move
I hear my needle hit the groove
And spiral through another day
I hear my song begin to say
Kiss me where the sun don't shine
The past was yours
But the future's mine
You're all out of time
I don't feel too steady on my feet
I feel hollow I feel weak
Passion fruit and holy bread
Fill my guts and ease my head
Through the early morning sun
I can see her here she comes
She bangs the drums
Have you seen her have you heard
The way she plays there are no words
To describe the way I feel
How could it ever come to pass
She'll be the first she'll be the last
To describe the way I feel
The way I feel
Have you seen her have you heard
The way she plays there are no words
To describe the way I feel
How could it ever come to pass
She'll be the first she'll be the last
To describe the way I feel
The way I feel
Have you seen her have you heard
The way she plays there are no words
To describe the way I feel
How could it ever come to pass
She'll be the first she'll be the last
To describe the way I feel
The way I feel