Also, if you appreciate music that helps you unwind or just old-school electronic sounds crafted with hardware synthesizers, explore my extensive collection of 20+ albums on Bandcamp:
All my recent instrumental electronic music jams are fully improvised and performed "dawlessly". Creating "dawless" electronic music in a home studio involves producing music without using a traditional Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). Instead, hardware synthesizers, modular synths and effects are used to create, sequence, and manipulate sounds directly. This approach can provide a hands-on, tactile experience and encourage creativity by relying on physical gear rather than a computer interface. It allows for a more immediate and intuitive workflow, with real-time control over parameters, resulting in a unique sonic character.
00:00:00 Caught In Joy - "You + Me = Magic"
00:01:44 ambient arps from Moog Mavis and guitar pedals
00:03:14 Moog Matriarch lead theme + solo
00:06:01 ambient tape loop final drop
Thank you so much for being a part of this musical adventure! 🎶
#electronica #berlinschool #dawless