You are listening Weljar. Voice of Slavic Witches. Run with us and join the Herd.
Weljar is a project inspired by Slavic times and shamanism, which is full of longing for the closeness of nature and the primordial power inherent in it. We create melancholic music with folk and ambient flavor.
Website: www.weljar.com
Kup Album:
IG: ...
We would like to thank our patrons and funders on zrzutka and kickstarter without whose support it would not be possible to record this album
Thank you!
0:00:00 Welesowy
0:04:38 Oj mały
0:11:13 Topielica
0:15:38 Wygnanie
0:20:15 O Wiedźmach
0:23:32 Gon
0:28:39 Pierwsza Pośród Fal
0:34:07 Żmije
0:38:03 Uczta Kruków
0:44:43 Pradawny Żmij
Photos: Marcin Saltarski (takenpictrees)