This is the 4th official video of my "MD Rebel XD's Wild Late Nights - with Lessons, Rants and Antics" and the first of a 3 part video that I've decided to break into parts, as the full video file was over an hour and a half long. over the course of the 3 videos, I speak on Em's new album, do I think Em is a guess in the house of rap, where my level of respect for him lies, why I will continue dissing him, when and how it all started, me on why I'm dissing Denace and Spencer, my battle strategy for Em (and anyone else if necessary while dissing Em) and a bit more. I got chess like strategies on the real.
My next video I explain spiritual energies and from my perspective how I understand the infinite dimensions - past, present and future, the Akashic Fields and how I use it all to keep my thoughts accurate, thorough and instant on just about anything - Especially lyricism. As far am my upcoming assault on "Denace and Spencer", if you have never heard my "dna Murder File Antics", maybe just hearing to it see what it's like for me to go in on someone wouldn't hurt... ... Though my attack on them won't be as long or as fast, it will most definitely be just as brutal.
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Multiple diMENsional Rebel XD
😇🎭♊️🌓☯️🌗 ♊️🎭😈
since 1987, born 6/6/1973