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What we will discuss in this video 00:00
Frontend vs Backend from the birds eye view 00:42
What is Full Stack 02:30
Want to become a Full Stack web developer? 03:18
How end-user devices communicate with the backend 04:10
Building blocks of the frontend application 04:58
Backend components 06:40
Anatomy of the frontend application 10:27
How clients and servers communicate 12:04
HTTPS, REST API and GraphQL 14:46
Responsive Layout 17:26
Traditional frontend web applications 22:28
Single Page Applications 24:17
Sample HTML file in the SPAs 26:10
Frameworks and Libraries for building Single Page Applications 26:47
Pros and Cons in Single Page Applications 27:28
Sample web application architecture 29:57
Fronted vs Backend vs Full Stack Summary 32:41