"Breaking: Art Student Makes Synthetic Leaf, Solves Everything" (Kat Bauman / core77) bit.ly/1zF4ZXD
Let people control the music
Google Glass Alert: Potential health risks from wireless radiation bit.ly/1u1MA7g (Dr. Joel Moskowitz / UC Berkeley)
Pinterest Messaging
Wikimedia Won't Take Down This Photo Because a Monkey Took It via @Gizmodo feedly.com/e/UOscL8eX (Ashley Feinberg/Gizmodo)
Speed Round:
Shazam for mac
The Russian 'hack of the century' doesn't add up (russel Brandon / TheVerge) bit.ly/1shIEv2
Old Frenemies Google and Barnes & Noble Unite to Fight Amazon feedly.com/e/ZYqvzybL (Issie Lapowsky / Wired) via @WIRED
Dropcam breakdown by AV insider @jmota3
Apple runs limited-time sale on 20 popular ‘Amazing Productivity Apps’ for iOS 9to5mac.com/2014/08/07/app… via @9to5mac
Uberpool and Lyft line
What if Facebook Paid for Your Content Interaction?
Tips of the Week:
Gmail Undo Send – Saving You from Your Mistakes wonderoftech.com/gmail-undo_sen… via @wonderoftech
SF New Tech - 8.27 ()
Dreamforce '14 - Connect to your customers in a whole new way - October 13-16, 2014
Meda 8-11