I built a floating fire and epoxy table. After making my fire and epoxy guitar I decided to try making a side table using the same burnt wood and epoxy method. This time I used Oak wood. It definitely got a different look this go around. I used tabletop epoxy and deep pour epoxy on this build. Let me know what you think about it! Thanks for watching!
What I used in this video:
DEEP Pour Epoxy Resin Crystal Clear Liquid Glass 2-4 inch 3 GL Resin Kit
SUPER CLEAR Coat Epoxy Resin Kit
Kreg KHC-Premium Face Clamp
Kreg K4 Pocket HoleJig System
Tips and Tricks to Save Time and Money
Making the ULTIMATE Workbench
Epoxy and Wood
I hope to inspire you to create your own projects at home after watching my videos. In everything from DIY home renovation projects to custom furniture to projects that help us become more self-sufficient, I hope to show you how with a little ingenuity you can make stuff at home too.
Be sure to watch: "DIY Storage Solution With A Secret (You Won't Believe How It Works!)"