A (not so) quick overview about doing my Master's! I graduated in September 2021 with a Master's of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering, specializing in silicon photonics. Feel free to leave any questions for me in the comments!
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0:00-1:11 Intro
1:12-3:53 My Bachelors, MEng vs MASc
3:54-6:21 What even is photonics?
6:22-13:26 Fall 2019: 3 courses
13:36-14:06 How to save 80% on electrical eng textbooks (not an ad)
14:07-19:50 Winter 2020: 2 courses
19:51-24:10 Summer 2020: My two thesis topics
24:11-29:08 Fall 2020/Winter2021: Bad News Bears
29:09-36:28 Summer 2021: The home stretch