Welcome to THE BIGGEST viking music mix on youtube.
0:00 Incarnate By Blood
1:25 Danheim & Sigurbodi - Hausarunir
5:33 Danheim - Berserkir & Ulfhednar (Mashup)
8:41 Heldom - Myrkr
12:23 Wardruna - Tyr
17:56 Marcin Przybyłowicz - Skellige Monster Hunting Combat
20:42 Danheim - Ivar's Revenge & Ivar's Wrath (Mashup)
23:43 Danheim & Heldom - Blodfest
27:14 Danheim - Blotjarl
30:25 Sowulo - Brego In Breoste
35:31 Munknorr - Dagaz
40:08 Danheim - Atgeir
43:13 Danheim - Fella
46:14 Danheim - Framganga
49:35 Danheim - Glitnir
52:42 Danheim - Gripir
56:31 Danheim - Gungnir
1:03:01 Danheim - Hefna
1:07:53 Danheim - Holmgang
1:11:08 Pawl D Beats - Berserker
1:14:28 Danheim - Hrungnir
1:17:45 Pawl D Beats - Ivar The Boneless
1:21:38 Danheim - Munarvágr
1:28:37 Runfell - Aelles Fate
1:32:25 Danheim - Surt
1:36:02 Munknorr - Thurisaz
1:39:59 Luc St-Pierre - Bastion Of The Forgotten
1:42:59 Danheim - Tyr
1:46:39 Munknörr - Uruz
1:50:55 Danheim - Vaftrudner
1:55:11 Pawl D Beats - Skeggold
1:58:30 Adam Skorupa - Round-Shielded Invaders
2:02:13 Pawl D Beats - War Drums
2:05:17 Adam Skorupa - Hear Our Call
2:07:57 Sowulo - Hamama Mamawo (Wulfwiga)
2:15:52 Danheim - Runar
2:26:01 Pawl D Beats - The Great Heathen Army
2:29:25 Zergananda - The Hunt
2:33:46 Danheim - Forn Elding
2:37:47 Adam Skorupa - Gravedancers of Odin
2:41:55 Danheim - Vegan
2:44:36 Danheim & Heldom - Undergang
2:52:00 Running
2:54:38 Danheim & Sigurbodi - Angerbodi
2:58:34 Danheim - Tyrfing
The tracks composed by Adam Skorupa are part of Ancestor’s Legacy's soundtrack developed by Destructive Creations and published by 1C Etertainment.
This mix wouldn't be possible without the permission of these talented producers. Thank you!
Video Credits:
''Ancestors Legacy - Original Soundtrack Medley'' by Destructive Creations
© Destructive Creations
Ambient Fantasy Spotify Playlist:
Viking Music Spotify Playlist:
What music can you find on this channel:
-Fantasy Music
Downtempo, relaxing tracks that make you get engrossed in fantasy plots, yet keep you relaxed at the same time. It's a perfect reading fantasy-friendly music genre, and awesome if you love to meditate. Like books and movies categorized under the same moniker, it sparks a sense of wonder, imagination, magic and other-worldliness.
This atmospheric music is inspired by enormous mountain vistas, starry skies, vast oceans and other grand and otherworldly places. It can calm the nerves, provide inspiration during homework studies / writing and creates a wonderful atmosphere no matter where you are.
-Old Norse Music
Dark viking tracks, using old traditional instruments. Inspired by germanic culture and lore. It's a combination of ambient, ritual and folk.
The sound of the music ranges from the transcendental drones of the ancient bowed lyre Tagelharpa to the unmatched grace of the gut-stringed Lyre to the distinctive and characteristic sound of Nordic bone and overtone flutes.
You'll also find war horns, mystical chants and throat singing, thunderous mighty percussion and frame-drums ready for battle. It transports you to the dark ages, where the worlds of history and mythology overlap.
#vikingmusic #germanicmusic #warmusic