- Svartsinn - Traces of nothingness
- Nordvargr - Another weeping doomlord lost 2:00
- Satori - Contemptus mundi (nameless wrath) 5:30
- All Haill the Transcending Ghost - Untitled 3 8:00
- Kammarheit - The two houses 11:15
- Silicon Relic - E.B.A.N.I. drones 13:15
- Golgatha & Birthe Klementow - Circles of dreams; cycles 14:30
- Nordvargr - Aryana of the open wound 17:00
- Dapalis Sepolcri - II 20:00
- Kerovnian - Morgue of human sanity 23:45
- Lord Gorgoroth - Isolationism I innerself 28:00
- Svartsinn - No passage to the innermost 32:45
- Conflagration - Penetration of the womb (demonic mindfuck) 35:00
- Beyond Sensory Experience & Moljebka Pvlse - Prolog Żarcie 39:00
- Ajna- Rising above time 43:00
- Clavicvla - The eternity of flesh, the mortality of soul 47:00
- Emme Ya - Chthonic transmission (abysmi vel daath) 49:45
- Henrik Nordvargr Björkk Margaux Renaudin - KMT 52:20
- Clavicvla - Dead bishop 55:00
- Clavicvla - Decadence of ascension 58:00
- Die Angel - Epikouros 1:00:30
- RNGMNN - the drawning of falsehood 1:03:30
- All Hail the Transcending Ghost - Intornator 1:06:00
- Nordvargr - Inner to salvation 1:09:00
- Sutcliffe Jügend - Blue rabbit 1:11:30