Industrialization in the time of AI There is a lot of talk about artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, deep learning and data processing. Many industries reflecting on IT, AI and their implications for production systems, the book "Industrialization in the Time of AI" illustrates how to create and manage manufacturing companies and how AI is changing industries. For more info, please visit our website
Industrialization is fundamental for the growth of a company, creating an intelligent system made up of all the main bricks that make up a business system is a priority nowadays. To obtain high-performance and efficient results with industrialization, it is necessary to use all the potential of information technology and artificial intelligence (AI). Your business choices, as well as your present and future products will be supported in the best way. Industrialization is a perfect system, where the company management, those responsible for purchasing materials, logistics, the design and production phases, those responsible for national and foreign sales, with the administration office work in perfect synergy to offer the best to its distribution network in the global market