Halloween request from TBM.
Yes I am aware that I haven't released the Prince Nassir CPS1 commission for TCGamerboy yet, but I'll get onto that soon I promise. I am aiming to release Ganbare-Lucifer's Halloween request tomorrow. Stay tuned.
This schedule I put on myself did help me to keep things in order despite the minor delays, but I expect to start releasing more content before the end of the year at a more consistent pace like this.
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Also a very important notice: Please do not use this Halloween period to get in last minute requests. I made it very clear in my previous video discussing it that I'd be accepting only 2 requests and that's it.
I limited it on purpose because if I accepted more at once, then it'd take a very long time to get them out and I don't want to disappoint anyone as much as I have in the past.
Thank you. I hope you understand.