We make it to further reaches of our galaxy; time to drop the gauzy chants, new beats, and some Earthly flavored cosmic house to celebrate a trimester of space travel, and the prospect of rich communications with various lifeforms.
00:00:00 Gidge - Gausta
00:04:46 Haruomi Hosono .(Y.M.O.) - exotic dance
00:07:13 Afrobutt - Urgent Workout Required
00:10:57 Innocence - One Love In A Lifetime (Nic Jalusi Edit)
00:15:14 Keith Arem - Beneath
00:28:58 Bravo - Macarena (SSG Edit)
00:33:13 DJ Python - Oooophi
00:36:12 Holo - Does It Get Easier
00:39:57 Maurice Fulton Presents... Boof - Life Is Water
00:46:45 Ronin - Left From The Station
00:52:08 Afrobutt - Wunderbutt
00:59:50 Ani Williams - The Osirian
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