by Madeline Baker.
He walks in my heart
This man of Yesterday;
He stands tall and proud
This bronze god of mine.
Is he only in my mind,
And in my heart?
Or is he out there, somewhere,
Did he leave this world
To walk among the stars?
I see him standing tall
Against a pink and purple sky,
His bronze skin aglow
In the evening light;
His strong and rugged face
Shows no emotion;
His eyes are black as midnight.
If you look deep, you can see into his soul.
There is pride and love there,
For this land and his people;
For who he is, and where
He was born.
Is that a tear I see
Gleaming in his eye?
Is it for people who
No longer roam this land,
For battles lost, for a way of life
That can never be again?
My heart cries for you…
My Lakota warrior.
—Mary Lou VonMeter.