Narcissistic abuse often unfolds in very subtle ways. The target victim is like the frog in water set to a boil. The manipulation and psychological abuse comes on so slowly and subtly at first that one even doubts their own sanity when growing suspicious. In this video, I cover 7 subtle narcissistic manipulation and abuse tactics narcissists use to drain the life out of their victim.
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00:00 Intro
03:07 #1 "Let's Talk About It In Person"
08:17 #2 Offering You Their "Help"
11:52 #3 Dictating Your Emotions
15:55 #4 Imposing Double-Standards
19:13 #5 Leaving You Waiting
24:12 #6 Making You Feel Small
29:35 #7 Accusing You of What They're Doing
34:00 The Toll That Narc Abuse Takes
38:51 Closing Thoughts