You can buy me coffee here :【 】
Circuits diagrams and code here :【 】
how to make Propeller LED Pendulum Clock, using Arduino NANO, Simple to make
Altium 365 here : 【 】
For business enquiries here : 【 electronicsk66@gmail.com 】
Measuring Tools 👇👇
Battery Capacity Tester :【 】
FNIRSI HRM-10 Battery Voltage :【 】
clamp-meter :【 】
Digital Multimeter :【 】
Power Supply :【 】
Adjusting Wire Stripper :【 】
Electric Screwdriver :【 】
Soldering Station :【 】
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For general informational purposes only. Nothing in this video is intended to be professional solar or electrical advice. Please consult with a licensed professional in their field of expertise in your jurisdiction.
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