Taken from the upcoming release from VORGA titled ' Beyond the Palest Star' on Transcending Obscurity Records
00:00 Voideath
06:34 The Sophist
13:17 Magical Thinking
20:10 The Cataclysm
24:25 Tragic Humanity
29:24 Fractal Cascade
35:17 Terminal
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Scaling astronomical heights with their previous full length, sci-fi themed black metal band Vorga return with another illuminating album. The German band, wiser from their experiences, have adopted a more direct approach with a sound that is comparatively more stripped down but its emotive appeal and stirring quality has only been enhanced. In addition to being far more nuanced, the songs are beautifully structured too, each narrating its own otherworldly tale. Finding better expression, the music is more relatable and heartfelt than ever before, with the numerous glistening melodies lingering on for much longer than expected. The music almost has a gentle, haunting quality to it. The band understands that when the music is so emotionally rich and evocative, the expression need not be forceful anymore. There's pure understated elegance on display here which is unparalleled; it's sheer class. Vorga have fully mastered their art on this release and multiple listens will only attest to the fact that they've come up with yet another gem of an album.
Album line up -
Atlas - Rhythm Guitar
Спейса - Lead Guitar, Bass + Vocals
Hymir - Drums
Artwork by Adam Burke (Imperialist)