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Beats Produced by: 2Deep and Nice Peter
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np & eL
#epicrapbattlesofhistory #epicrapbattles #erb #McClane #Wick #Rambo #Keanu #Stallone #Diehard #rapbattle
John Wick: Zach Sherwin
IG/Twitter: @zachsherwin
John McClane: EpicLLOYD
IG/Twitter: @theepiclloyd
John Rambo: Nice Peter
Sam Trautman: Josh Best
Written by EpicLLOYD, Zach Sherwin, Nice Peter, and the many most excellent contributors of our Patreon Writers Crew.
Director of Photography: Jon Na
Gaffer: Andy Chinn
Dept. Head Makeup and Hair: Brielle McKenna
Makeup and Hair Artist: Lian Uritsky
Wardrobe and Props: Morgan Christensen
Prop Weapons and Safety Consultant: Mike Tristano ()
Playback/DIT: Josh Best
Production Coordinator: Andy Sandoval
Producer and Health & Safety Manager: Atul Singh
Video Editors: Ross Fearnley, Nice Peter
VFX and Compositing: Javi Sanchez Blanco, Nice Peter
Music Mixed and Mastered by: Nice Peter
Directed by: Nice Peter and EpicLLOYD
Shot on the ALEXA Mini
Edited in Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Blender
Recorded and mixed in Pro Tools
Produced by: Atul Singh
KeEp iN TOuch WitH Us OnliNe!