Link: It explains two alternatives to capitalism, each with no market and no state or central planning – making them unlike the economic system of any country on Earth.
Topics include:
• How can an economic system function without money or the profit motive?
• How can supply and demand be balanced without a market or state planning?
• How can we provide free public goods and services in a society with no state and no taxation?
• How can we avoid overconsumption?
• How can we encourage people to do necessary work, even work that’s unappealing?
• How can people start new enterprises?
• How can an economic system encourage environment sustainability?
Discussing all this and more!
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► Political Compass Rap but it's ALL SOCIALISTS ♫
► The *Socialist* Political Compass: Methods to create socialism
► Communism & Socialism: What Do They REALLY Mean?
► 8 Types of "Socialism" in 75 Minutes || Economic Systems Explained
► 8 Types of "Socialism" in 10 Minutes
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