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Due to the Trump administration's nonstop losses in front of federal judges. Since he took office, we have seen Republican after Republican, including Elon Musk, call for the impeachment of these federal judges. We gotta get 'em the hell out of there because they're standing in the way of the American public's will, which is whatever the hell Donald Trump wants it to be that day. And we even have Republicans in the house, three different Republicans that have actually drafted articles of impeachment against three different judges. Now, the only problem is, of course, they don't have the numbers to impeach any of these judges. So all of these threats of impeachment, the threats of removing these federal judges, they're gonna go nowhere and have no impact. And the Trump administration knows that. And that actually them off even more to the point where they have decided that there are some judges in this country that they do have control over.
And by God, those judges are gonna pay the price for not blindly going along with Trump's agenda. And those are the more than 700 immigration judges here in the United States. Those immigration judges are not like the federal judges that have to go through the confirmation in the Senate after being appointed by the president. And then they serve for life. These are basically judges that are hired, but once they are hired, are immediately put under civil service protections, meaning they cannot be fired at will, which is a good thing. It allows these judges to remain impartial instead of skewing their verdicts to make a president happy so that they don't get fired. Well, this week the Trump administration sent a memo out to the more than 700 immigration judges in this country. Instead, we're reclassifying all of you. You are now at will employees, meaning you us off. You don't deport enough people, we can fire you.
They took away these judges' ability to be impartial because Donald Trump is mad because not enough people are being deported. So here's the other part of it. Donald Trump, according to these reports, has been raging behind the scenes in the White House, furious over the fact that the mass deportations aren't actually happening the way that he wants them to happen. Oh, sure. They're doing the raids, they're grabbing up all these people. And I mean, in the first few weeks of the Trump administration, that was big news. Well, we saw it all the time, and it's still happening. The media just doesn't give a crap about it anymore. And that is very unfortunate. But these people are still being rounded up. Trump's issue, the thing he's mad about is that they're not being kicked outta the country yet. So
We gotta build these holding facilities. We gotta send them down to Gimo. We basically, we have to spend so much money, millions and millions of dollars a month to house and feed and clothe these people because you've got tens of thousands of them and you want to get rid of millions of them. But we only got 700 immigration judges. You know, a little over 700, but not much. And there is a process. It takes time for each individual person to get their hearing, and then it takes time for the ruling. Typically, the ruling doesn't come at the end of the hearing. It could come two weeks later. And Trump doesn't like that. He wants this to be like the self-checkout, right? Like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. We know what we're doing. Get 'em outta here, come on, go. But it's just not happening. So they're reclassifying the judges threatening to fire them if they do not deport enough people.