Products mentioned in this video:
I truly hope this video is helpful for those of you on your TTC journey! Remember, knowledge is power! SO much love and so many hugs for all of you! ♡
HEART to Heart | A collaboration between HEART & Irene Khan
• EPISODE 0: My Journey TTC & Taking Control of my Fertility:
• EPISODE 1: Sex-Ed Throughout the Lifespan w/ Angelica Lindsey-Ali (@villageauntie):
• EPISODE 2: Fertility 101 w/ Dr Roohi Jeelani MD (@roohijeelanimd):
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♡ The products & apps mentioned in this video ♡
Pregmate Ovulation & Pregnancy Test Strips:
First Response Early Result Test:
Basal Body Thermometer:
TempDrop Fertility Tracker:
Pre-Seed Lubricant:
Clue Period Tracking App:
Fertility Friend, Fertility Tracker:
♡ Some great communities while TTC ♡
Intro Artwork:
FTC: Not Sponsored
I do use affiliate links and coupon codes -- this does not affect you or your purchases AT ALL, they just help keep my channel going. Thanks for your support, always! xo