If you'd like a physical CD copy it will appear soon on the Bandcamp page:
song / album / artist
00:00:00 takeaway / pedestrian parking / dwe
00:01:42 interoffice memo / a way of life / dsc
00:06:24 rock bed / sun playground / dwe
00:10:52 sunset / paths to eternity / dsc
00:14:44 i'll meet you there / sun playground / dwe
00:19:43 particle vii / particle deux / dsc
00:24:02 order of the night - existential looping [volume one] / dsc
00:27:00 it moved / paths to eternity / dsc
00:28:52 do not touch / artificial air / dwe
00:33:37 the sun shines through / floorboards on the ceiling / dsc
00:37:23 wifi hotspot / la boutique / dsc
00:42:40 gloppy / inside candy land / dsc
00:48:16 isolation embraced / paths to eternity / dwe
00:56:15 emeralds / la boutique / dsc
01:00:15 do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except yourself / channeling buddha / dsc
01:11:45 mice and men / pedestrian parking / dwe
01:16:18 3,000 steps / paths to eternity / dsc
01:22:05 keyhole charade / existential looping [volume one] / dsc
01:23:52 mourning cloak / progressions / dwe
01:26:11 once we were kings [courtyard rain mix] / elfen alchemy / dsc
01:30:14 two for one / la boutique / dsc
01:35:55 carousel / artificial air / dwe
01:40:19 the lift / pedestrian parking / dwe
01:43:22 closed for business / la boutique /dsc
01:48:52 phylogenetics I / phylogenetics / dsc
01:52:40 rainbow trail / inside candy land / dsc
01:58:01 gumdrop mountains / inside candy land / dsc
02:04:10 the smell of coffee / floorboards on the ceiling / dsc
02:10:20 enchanted hour [timeless mix] / elfen alchemy / dsc
dwe= dreams without end
dsc = downscope
Artist content can be found: