Rivers of boiling blood criss-cross the hellish landscape, dividing the realm into territories over which rival Bloodthirsters wage war. The blood-flows are not content to allow the conquered lands to rest idle. From deep below the ground, new rivers strike through the surface, splitting the lands as easily as an axe opens the bloated gut of a lazy bureaucrat.
A visitor to this nightmare realm would surely be driven mad, knowing that every rock, every breeze, and every drop of what should be water is an enemy, looking to kill him with just as much purpose, desire, and violence as the multitudinous daemons of the Blood God inhabiting the land."
Listen to the sounds of pure rage as you read or paint your minis. Or if you're simply in one hell of a daemonic mood.
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Thank you for listening!
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© Copyrights for all music on this channel belong to Oscar Graae Madsen.
You may not use the music on this channel without express permission from me, so make sure to send me a message on domainsofambience@gmail.com before any use.