00:00 Intro
01:43 Jadis / The White Witch (The Chronicles of Narnia)
03:55 The Golden Fool (Robin Hobb's Farseer Trilogy)
06:55 Guinevere
10:03 Merlin
12:07 Lady of the Lake / Vivian
14:18 Weaver (Lady of Shalott inspired)
You can read the poem by Alfred Tennyson I speak about here :
17:28 Sir Galahad
19:36 Simple Queen
22:44 Elf
25:18 Ink sketch of a warrior Princess (kind of)
28:28 Prayer
31:16 Mordred (King Arthur's son)
34:14 Simple witch (Harry Potter inspired)
36:45 Young medieval girl (a bit ouf of focus, sorry 🙁 )
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Music used :
Yonder Hill and Dale by Aaron Kenny (YT audio library)
‣ Camera : Panasonic Lumix GH4
‣ Lens: Panasonic 12-35mm / 2.8 F
‣ Microphones : Sennheiser MK4 + Zoom Hn4pro
‣ Tripod : K&F Concept
Disclaimer :
This video was created for relaxation / entertainment only. For any serious trouble with sleep, stress etc., please consult your physician.
For more information about ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response), please have a look here :