How to master Ambien Logic Pro X Film-Score Mastering Template:
In episode 85 we are mastering something different, a Film Score type of ambient / electronica track. The master we will use was exported in 32 bits at 96000KHZ. The recording of the show was left flat and the volume will increase as we master the song and the overall loudness raises to the industry standard level.
We begin by setting up gain staging to have a proper signal flow from the first plugin to the end of the chain. The first two plugins are equalizers that are not affecting the program much, the first plugin that changes the program is the L@ ultramaximizer with 2Db of gain. We then setup the LIN MB plugin, the linear phase multiband will affect the program minimally as we only incrementally affect the program with every plugin used.
In the next step we are using the API2500 compressor to add some thickness and more control to the low end. We then add the SSL G Channel Strip to add some Air and some smooth sub frequencies. We then send the signal to a Center Stereo processor using it extremely minimally. We then look at the Kramer tape saturation plugin to add this special character only found with tape distortion.
For the last steps we are using the SSL G Compressor and second instance of LIN MB.
The last step to our session it to use the L316 multiband to achieve maximum loudness.
May the sounds be with you.
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