#muslim #podcast #story #sheikh #islamichistory #islamicpodcast
00:00 Intro
1:31 Shafi: Let the days do as the please.
8:43 Shafi was Lonely?
14:16 Shafi: Travel.
23:59 From NewYork to Houston
26:46 Despair from Sin
29:55 Sh. Ammar ROASTS Ansari
32:33 Shafi: Why good things happen for bad people
36:06 Shafi: Anxiety
38:22 Shafi: Envy & Reputation
44:45 Marriage, Halal/Haram Ratio & RIZZ
48:34 Muslim girl falls for a bad boy in college
54:46 BAD RIZZ
59:48 When Sheikh lost his father(emotional)
1:07:38 Sudan & The State of The Muslim World
1:13:20 who are the good guys?
1:22:58 Why we don't see pictures in Sudan?
1:33:23 Emotional father refugee poem
1:39:08 The Names of Allah
1:55:50 Time travel! where would Sheikh go?
1:59:56 What would sheikh do in heaven?
2:03:19 Sheikh ROASTS Ansari on Trump Conspiracies
2:04:00 Superpower!
2:07:00 Recycling is fake!