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Gecko's Garage is a big truck cartoon series for children all about fixing trucks and vehicles, including monster trucks, buses, ambulances, construction trucks and lorries.
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00:00 Intro
00:08 Magic Mayhem
03:15 Fair Play Football Mix Up
06:25 Motorcycle Misadventure
09:26 Happy Birthday Gecko!
12:29 Gecko's Grotto
15:32 Santa Gecko
18:36 Share the Toy Baby Truck!
21:34 Firefighting Friends
24:34 Ice Cream Thief
27:38 Tilly the Snowball
30:41 Blue is Lost
33:46 Tilly Tow Truck is Sick
36:43 Firefighter School Rescue
39:46 Eric the Scorpion
42:45 Brave Baby Truck
45:47 Runaway Car Wash
48:46 Hero Day
51:48 Wake Up Weasel Cake Catastrophe
54:47 Dirty Weasel
57:48 Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)
1:00:50 Drive Thru Haunted House
1:03:52 Gecko Grand Prix
1:06:59 Grandma vs Gadgets
1:10:06 Recycling Day Repairs
1:13:08 Magnet Mayhem
1:15:09 Grandma Gecko's Sports Car Chase
1:17:18 Don’t Throw It… Fix Up and Fly It!
1:19:23 Baby Truck's Wobbly Tooth
1:21:25 Flying Birthday Party Cake
1:23:29 Weasel's Wheels