Better Man by L.A.W.S
Mountains on the horizon
The water is so clear
When I look at myself in the water
I can see the awful man I've become
I need to change myself
To be a better man
And look back and figure out my mistakes
Add moving on I gotta do better
And become a better man
It was on that day
When he saw the mountains
He realized
That he was a man
I'm a man that I’m a man
I gotta be a better one
And to do that I got to be strong
I gotta be a better man than I was before
I gotta be the better man
I gotta be the better man
I gotta be the better man
So I can be a good strong man
When my kids look up to me
I gotta be a better man
I gotta be the best man ever
so that my children can look up to me
I gotta be the better man
I gotta be the better man
I gotta be the better man
So my kids can look up to me
I need to be a better man
I need to be a better man
I need to be a better man
I gotta be a better man
I gotta be strong
I gotta be good
I got to afford
I gotta provide
I gotta do all these things
To be a better man
To afford
To be better
Mr. Alden Whitman realized in that very moment on that very day
When he became a man
He wasn't a good man that's what he realized
But he wanted to become a better man
So he decided to write this song
He got Mr. Will Allen on the drums
Lennon Hartford on the bass guitar
Mr. Siegele on the keys
Mr. Alden Whitman himself on vocals and synthesizers
Why don't we hear a ripping bass solo by Mr. Lennon Hartford
That's nice, I like that
Some feedback there
Sorry about that
Will maybe check in a little bit of a nice fill section
Right now!
That was absolutely beautiful Will thank you very much!
Mr. Alden Whitman what are you doing over there
Trying to sing a song
O I see I see
About being a man but I can't think of anything else
Why don't you just grab the synth
Say that again
Grab the synthesizer
Take a solo!
Mountains on the horizon
The water is so clear
I can see myself when I was young
And how I've become so numb
I need to be a better man
I was struggling
But now
I gotta be strong
I gotta be tough
And I got to be strong
When I was struggling I was so alone
But what the hell
I gotta be good
I gotta be strong
I'm gonna be tough
Gotta provide
Gotta be a good man
A good man that is!
I'm gonna be a good man
I'm gonna be a great man
I work hard every day
To help the ones in need
To be a better person
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#L.A.W.S #Music #Rock #ProgRock #Experimental