In the modern utopia of Objectia, two siblings, a narcissistic Spade, and a cynical Bucket are just barely getting by in the harsh city. One works tirelessly, while the other sits on his butt eating nachos. After a heated argument, Bucket kicks out the reluctant Spade in order to force him to work. With the help of his best friend Map, Spade must set out in the inanimate world to find himself a place to work. It’s when they meet a strange individual do things get…. troublesome.
Modern Objects is a story-driven comedic non-competition object show. There’s action, there’s drama, and there’s very likely a Fifty Shades Of Grey reference, even if I haven’t read the books or seen the movies... Oh well.
This project has been a massive undertaking, everything you see was animated over the course of various months by just myself. I just want to thank everybody who helped make this massive project a reality, to get me where I am so far. I really appreciate all of you... so thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Check out the amazingly talented voice actors!:
Taft as Bucket -
WoopdooCreations as Map -
Tamautistic as Prof. Rubber -
FusionAnimations as Nuke -
and MiscDan64 as Cop Hat -
Thanks to Purnya for creating the Headbang outro and Team Headbang for all the support!