Scary horror sounds and cursed analog horror audio for the psychologically forsaken.
#horrormusic #horrorsounds #darkambient #horrormusicbackground #horrorsoundtrack #horroraudio #scarymusic #creepymusic #darkmusic
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Nightmare Factory 24: Plague Ceremony
0:00 A Medusa by the Cosmos Guided
6:02 A Medusa by the Cosmos Guided, Pt. 2
13:11 A Medusa by the Cosmos Guided, Pt. 3
17:35 Its Mocking Laughter Was a Curse
28:40 Hypnosis Ceremony of the Plague-Ridden
40:16 Hypnosis Ceremony of the Plague-Ridden, Pt. 2
44:50 Hypnosis Ceremony of the Plague-Ridden, Pt. 3
All music written, performed and recorded by Cauchemar Chemin. All original sound design.
© 2025 Cauchemar Chemin. All Rights Reserved.
Nightmare Factory 23: Sanitarium
Nightmare Factory 22: Love of a Demon
Nightmare Factory 21: Infernal Devotion
Nightmare Factory 20: Flesh of the Dolls
Nightmare Factory 19: Maruda
Cauchemar Chemin (French: 'Nightmare Path') is a composer and sound-designer of avant-garde horror music. Inspired by the avant-garde classical music of Penderecki, Xenakis and Schoenberg, as well as the inventive industrial soundworlds of Skinny Puppy and Nine Inch Nails, Cauchemar Chemin creates a unique netherworld of horror movie sound design by manipulating personally-recorded acoustic instrumentation into a mangled soundmass of intense atmospheric morbidity.
"Horror fiction shows us that the control we believe we have is purely illusory, and that every moment we teeter on chaos and oblivion." ― Clive Barker
“Ultimate horror often paralyses memory in a merciful way.”
― H.P. Lovecraft
Film Scoring and Sound Design Inquiries: embraceournature@live.com
Tags | horror music, horror sounds, horror audio, horror music playlist, horror music instrumental, dark ambient, dark ambient music, horror music 1 hour, scary horror music, horror ambience, horror ambient music, scary sounds, horror music sound effect