Enjoy the song "Abhi Mujh Mein Kahin" from the movie "Agneepath," featuring Hrithik Roshan and Priyanka Chopra. Sung by the legendary Sonu Nigam and composed by the talented duo Ajay-Atul, this lyric video brings the soul-stirring melody and poignant words to life. Experience the emotions and beauty of this timeless track.
Emotions wrapped in melody 💖🎶 #abhimujhmeinkahin #hrithikroshan #sonunigam #ajayatul
🌟 Song Credits 🌟
Song: Abhi Mujh Mein Kahin
Singer: Sonu Nigam
Music: Ajay Atul
Lyrics: Amitabh Bhattacharya
Director: Karan Malhotra
Producers: Karan Johar and Hiroo Yash
Label: Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd.