Embark on a gripping journey into the heart of America's latest and most unsettling societal challenge with our documentary, "The World's Most Scariest Drug Taking Over America," shot amidst the haunting landscapes of Detroit, Michigan, including the notorious Kensington Ave - often referred to as "Zombie Town." Delve into the chilling and pervasive influence of this potent substance as we unveil the sinister realities through in-depth interviews, shocking footage, and expert analysis. Join us on a compelling exploration of the alarming consequences this drug imposes on individuals and communities, shedding light on the dark corners where this menacing drug has taken root. Brace yourself for an immersive experience that exposes the unsettling truth of a looming crisis, compelling viewers to confront the urgent issue at hand.
Shot By: @phundoart8705 - @phundoart for the IG