Underworld - Between Stars [instrumental]

Просмотров: 19   |   Загружено: 3 мес.
Zones Quest
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it's always interesting to notice the meticulously--arranged subtleties within these tracks that are often obscured somewhat by the vocals; in this permutation it's almost identical to the early antecedent "Oddity Thing" - yet another example of Underworld's idiosyncratic generosity with their works-in-progess. most musicians are quite hesitant to release anything that's not "finalised", but Underworld are happy to let us follow the meandering paths taken from amorphous clay to refined diamond - and in several cases, a version diverges from the source almost entirely and becomes a discrete track in itself! How cool is that? xD
music by Rick Smith & Karl Hyde (name a better duo)

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Добавлено: 55 год.
  © 2019-2021
  Underworld - Between Stars [instrumental] - RusLar.Me